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vibo shifter Machine

The top weight causes vibration in the horizontal plane which causes the material to move across the screen towards the periphery. The lower weight acts to tilt the machine which causes vibration in the vertical tangential axis. The angle of lead of the lower weight with relation to the upper weight provides variable control of the screening pattern. Thus, the material moves across the screens and also in the vertical and tangential planes enabling maximum screening.


Description Models MODEL
MM OCB-5 12” 20” 30” 36” 48”
Screen Dia in mm 304 508 762 914 1200
Cap/hr 10 to 50 Kg 20 to 140 Kg 100 to 250 Kg 300 to 400 Kg 400 to 500 Kg
Vibro Motors 0.19 HP 0.25 HP 0.5 HP 1 HP 1.5 HP