Designed for high productivity, 1 Million Effervescent Tablets per shift.

Faster output where tube filling of huge effervescent tablet batch size required that too without any rejection.

The most advanced electromechanical technology from Mark Maker’s Effervescent packaging range to convert your “Productivity to Profitability”.

Max. 10,00,000 tablets per shift.

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Eff Pack 100 Machine

Technology, so fast and ergonomic

Eff Pack 100 image
Eff Pack 100 image

Key Features

technical specifications

Capacity: 8,00,000 to 10,00,000 tablets per shift
Filling Speed: 100 to 120 tubes per minute
Packaging Type: Polypropylene and Aluminum
Machine Type: Continuous Automatic
Machine connecting load: 11 Kw
Machine weight: Approx. 1,000 Kgs.
Tube length handled: 80 to 180 mm
Tablet diameter: 18 to 30 mm
Tablet Thickness: 4 to 8 mm

machine layout