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V-Cone blender Machine

As revolutions per minute increase, the centrifugal forces at the extreme points of the blender will exceed the gravitational forces required for mixing.

As a result, the powder must tend to gravitate toward the outer walls of the blender casing. As the size of the blender increases, the rotational speed generally decreases in proportion to the peripheral speed of the blender extreme. V-Blenders are designed to operate between 50% and 80% of the critical speed.


V Clone Blender image
V Clone Blender image
V Clone Blender image
V Clone Blender image


MODEL Gross Capacity in (Ltrs) Working Capacity in (Ltrs) Motor HP
MM OCB-5 5 4 1
MM OCB-10 10 8 1
MM OCB-15 15 12 1
MM OCB-25 25 20 1
MM OCB-50 50 40 1.5
MM OCB-75 75 60 2
MM OCB-100 100 80 2
MM OCB-150 150 120 2
MM OCB-250 250 200 2
MM OCB-400 400 320 3
MM OCB-500 500 400 3
MM OCB-750 750 600 3
MM OCB-1000 1000 800 5
MM OCB-1250 1250 1000 5
MM OCB-1500 1500 1200 7.5
MM OCB-2000 2000 1600 10
MM OCB-3000 3000 2400 10
MM OCB-5000 5000 4000 15